Đối với nhiều Ba Mẹ, khen gần như là một phản xạ, xảy ra bất cứ khi nào Bé làm được điều gì đó. Khen thưởng Bé là một việc nên làm. Tuy nhiên, liệu Ba Mẹ có đang khen thưởng một cách hiệu quả?

Việc khen ngợi mang lại niềm vui, sự tự tin cho Bé. Nhưng điều đó có thể không kéo dài lâu nếu lời khen quá chung chung hoặc không đúng thời điểm. Nếu chú tâm hơn đến cách khen ngợi, Ba Mẹ còn có thể nuôi dưỡng động lực nội tại của Bé – nỗ lực thể hiện, học hỏi và phát triển xuất phát từ chính bản thân. Daisy Home nghĩ điều đó thật tuyệt, bởi Ba Mẹ sẽ không muốn Bé phụ thuộc vào đánh giá, yêu cầu của người khác đúng không nào?
Vậy, Ba Mẹ nên khen thế nào?

Dùng từ ngữ mô tả
Khi khen, Ba Mẹ hãy nói với Bé cụ thể những gì mình hài lòng. Ví dụ: “Con dọn ngăn nắp đồ chơi là ngoan lắm”. Điều này giúp Bé hiểu chính xác điều chúng đã làm tốt. Nó cũng chân thật hơn những lời khen ngợi như “Con ngoan lắm”.

Khen nỗ lực thay vì thành tựu
Ba Mẹ hãy khen ngợi cho nỗ lực của Bé dù nhỏ hay lớn. Ví dụ: “Con đã làm bài tập toán rất chăm chỉ, giỏi lắm”. Khen ngợi nỗ lực sẽ tạo động lực cho Bé cố gắng. Khi Bé hiểu những hành động đó là tốt, Bé sẽ có thể duy trì trong tươi lai. Ba Mẹ cũng có thể dùng cách này để khuyến khích Bé làm điều mới.

Không khen thường xuyên
Khen ngợi sẽ phản tác dụng nếu Ba Mẹ dùng quá thường xuyên. Nó hạ thấp tiêu chuẩn cho hành vi của Bé, khiến Bé thấy làm tốt hay không cũng được khen, từ đó không cố gắng. Ngoài ra, Bé có thể vì sợ không được khen nữa mà ngại những thử thách mới, chỉ làm những điều an toàn và quen thuộc. Thay vào đó, Ba Mẹ hãy sử dụng nhiều ngôn ngữ không lời nhằm gửi gắm những thông điệp tích cực như ôm, xoa đầu, nựng nịu gương mặt, đôi má của con,…

Đưa ra phản hồi chân thành, tích cực
Thay vì dùng lời khen như một “phần thưởng”, Ba Mẹ hãy biến nó thành sự cổ vũ. Ba Mẹ có thể đưa ra những phản hồi, thông tin về năng lực của Bé, ví dụ như “Con đạt được 90% rồi” hoặc “Con đạt điểm cao nhất trong lớp đấy”. Nghiên cứu cho thấy cách phản hồi này có thể nâng cao động lực và sự thích thú, đồng thời khiến các Bé sẵn sàng dành nhiều thời gian hơn cho một nhiệm vụ.

Một số lưu ý thêm cho Ba Mẹ:

  • Hạn chế so sánh Bé với người khác.
  • Có thể thưởng Bé đồ chơi, thức ăn,… miễn không quá thường xuyên.
  • Xen kẽ cách khen khác thay cho lời nói, ví dụ: gật đầu, cười, giơ tay dấu like.
  • Đưa ra những kỳ vọng hợp lý cho Bé.

Lời khen ngợi hiệu quả, được đưa ra đúng lúc có thể nuôi dưỡng động lực nội tại của Bé. Nó giúp Bé trở nên tự tin, kiên cường và tự lập. Chúc Ba Mẹ sẽ khen hiệu quả để nuôi nấng những em bé ngoan, giỏi nhé!

Daisy Home Preschool

Romanians love their particular parties, and their weddings are not any exception. From the post-ceremony activities to the unique traditions, they’re filled with fun and exhilaration for all to enjoy. From the bride kidnapping tradition to sarmale ~ a dish of bitter cabbage loaded romanian brides with mince meat and grain – there are several ways to make a romanian wedding ceremony unique.

At the end from the wedding reception, a special move called “hora” is usually performed. This is a circle dance with everyone joining hands and dancing throughout the few. It’s a smart way to show the couple the support on their behalf and to also help them raise funds, like a gift with regard to their new house.


A critical part of the service is the sacrament of exchanging rings. During these times, the groom puts the ring in the left hand plus the bride puts it on her right. The few then says their vows and assures to live collectively forever. After that, the bride and groom exchange gifts. The gifts are generally cash, nonetheless they may also include home goods just like pots and pans.

The wedding couple also kneel down in front of their particular parents and ask for their blessing. That is a very psychological the main ceremony. The parents give their blessing to the couple and wish all of them happiness and good health.

After the wedding ceremony, it’s normal for the groom and his friends to go to the bride’s house and fetch her. They then help her get dressed up. Traditionally, the groom and his friends bring pinus radiata trees with them. Prior to entering the bride’s home, they keep the pine trees there for good good fortune.

Consequently, all the friends are asked to celebrate with the couple. They take pleasure in the music and dance, and lots of singing is carried out. Many of the friends sing classic songs, and in many cases the bride and groom will sometimes sing a duet. This kind of is an excellent way to demonstrate your support for https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/how-to-start-a-conversation-on-bumble the bride and groom and also to rejoice their love.

One of the most essential things to know ahead of attending a romanian wedding is that it’s not odd for the party to last up to ten hours. That means that you’ll need to be well prepared for a long night of eating and drinking. It could be certainly not unusual intended for multiple models of party foods, a main program, and a treat to be offered.

An alternative issue to remember is the fact romanian marriages are very expensive events. Because of this you will need to use your best garments, and this is a superb the perfect time to showcase look and style. Men usually wear elegant suits, and women utilize elegant night gowns. Also, don’t be surprised if you see a lot of h?r forl?ngelse and fake celebrity eyelashes on the bridesmaid!

Marrying a foreign girl can be quite rewarding nevertheless https://bride-chat.com/sites/jollyromance/ as well difficult. Some of the challenges contain long ranges, cultural differences, language obstacles, and migrants issues. It is necessary to have an skilled immigration attorney by your side to help you through these procedures.

Inspite of these obstacles, there are many main reasons why dating another woman may be worth it. Getting unique facets into associations and learning are just two of the benefits.

Language Barrier

A language barrier is a buffer to interaction between those that speak unique languages. This kind of barrier may prevent a couple from understanding one another, which will may result in problems within their romance. A terminology barrier could also prevent persons from connecting effectively and building trust. In addition , a language screen can stop a person from learning a new terminology.

Whilst English is the most common language on the globe, it still has many idioms that are not known by those who do not speak it. A language hurdle can be a difficulty for equally foreign brides to be and their American husbands. It is important to learn every other’s ‘languages’ to break straight down chinese barrier.

Learning a foreign language will be difficult, however it can help to make the relationship more successful. Additionally, it may show your lover and her family unit that you are committed to the relationship. For example , a simple term like “hello” can mean various things in every culture.

Cultural Dissimilarities

Cultural distinctions are guaranteed to occur in a cross-cultural relationship. Your upbringings, ideals and values will most likely clash at times, particularly when it comes to friends and family issues, like parenting variations or practices that are placed sacred. You and your spouse should take the time to find out about the culture you are marrying into.

It is also essential to be realistic about what you may expect. For example , if your spouse comes from a traditions that spots a lot of value on spouse and children hierarchy and roles, you can definitely find yourself struggling with visiting grandma and grandpa who be ready to be hands-on with your kid or that grown sons ought to financially support elderly father and mother.

It truly is also a good idea to get prepared intended for lengthy visitors from granparents, which can put pressure and annoyance to your marriage. Learning how to manage these kinds of circumstances can help you prevent a future breakdown in your romance. Getting married to someone coming from another region requires the help of a legal professional that understands the complexities associated with this process. Program a consultation while using immigration attorneys at Abogada Ashley today to get started!


Marrying a foreign female can be an exciting and fulfilling encounter. It can help you learn about fresh cultures and traditions, expand the worldview, and perhaps learn a lingo. However , there are several things to consider before taking the plunge.

One of the biggest issues that many lovers face can be communication. The terminology barrier and cultural dissimilarities can cause misunderstandings and conflicts. This is certainly overcome by simply learning how to converse effectively and establishing healthier boundaries.

Another hurdle is the fact it will be difficult to meet the spouse’s relatives. This is certainly especially tough if you are living in different countries or are separated by lengthy distances. Understanding her friends and family will take bit of. It is also crucial for you to understand her culture and traditions so as to avoid annoying her. This will help to your marriage last longer. Furthermore, it will make her experience more appreciated and respected. In addition , it will eventually show her that you just care about her and her family.